If it's a coordinated fireteam that saved the City from Ghaul, then the gun you make will support fireteams. If Thorn was a weapon of selfishness, then the gun you make will be one of selflessness. Your philosophy about this gun has crystallized. You'll need to complete 35 encounters for this, so settle in. If you kill five enemies without reloading, that counts as five and you need one hundred, so get hunting.įinally (for this step), you'll need to complete any of those PVE areas we mentioned before - Escalation Protocol on Mars, The Blind Well in the Dreaming City, or a Black Armory Forge. The second part is getting numerous kills in a row without reloading.
If you're a high enough level, you can likely do this solo. One is nice and simple - finish a Nightfall with a score of 50,000 or above. This one is essentially three steps in one. Try a Black Armory Forge, The Blind Well, or ol' reliable Escalation Protocol. You'll need to generate 250 orbs of light, and big PVE areas seem to be ideal for both this and the next quest step. This one is a grind but is certainly easier if you have a Masterworked weapon. Neutralize the Thorn's intrinsic Darkness with the strength of your Light. If nothing else, you believe you need to neutralize it. You don't know what to do with this… thing. Merely holding the gun makes you nauseous-not out of moral principles, necessarily, but instead a very physical effect which reminds you of losing your Light during the Red War. You are the new owner of Dredgen Yor's original Thorn. This is the Rose covered chest you're looking for (Pic: Polygon) (Image: Polygon) So far those locations are still being compiled, but we've listed all of the known locations below (hat tip to u/realcoolioman on Reddit and all links found below). It seems the game's community is compiling a list, but they seem to be spread across all of Destiny 2's planets. Essentially, you'll have to check your device for a planet and location - for example, "Shaft 13 in the European Dead Zone" will show that you need to head to the Shaft 13 Lost Sector. This one is a little tricky to predict, as the Signal Positioning Device you have will lead you to a different chest every hour. Identify the location of the original Thorn using your system positioning device. Your Ghost observes that the signal changes once an hour, on the hour, so you'll have to be quick. The gun is hidden away somewhere, and to find it, you'll have to used an enclosed system positioning device to track it down.

He claims he's entrusting you with the original Thorn, a hateful weapon capable of permanently killing Guardians. The sender purports to be the legendary Shin Malphur, a supposed do-gooder with a complex approach to doing good. You've discovered a letter in the ruined campsite where you found your mangled Thorn. There's a letter waiting for you on one of the crates in this area. Move forward here, and then jump to a small alcove, before moving forward once more. Here there's a teleporter device which will take you to a cliffside. In the EDZ, head to the Salt Mines just north of Trostland. First thing is first - you'll need to head to the location where you began the Thorn quest.